We had not really eaten beetroot before growing it. What a fantastic vegetable. Really good for you, easy to grow, tastes great, tastes best raw, fantastic in juice, when pickled it is so much better than the tinned stuff and you use the lot of it. The leaves taste much better than silver-beet.  Next year we will grow a lot more of it.

March 2011:

We have come to the end of the season and needed to clear the garden bed so I could plant the garlic so I had to pull the rest of the beetroot. (Some books are saying that we can still put in beetroot but the seedling packets that I have say Spring to Summer – Maybe next year I will try to get a third crop in earlier).

 April 2012

This year I planted three types of beetroot – all with different times to  maturity. The standard red beets were by far the fastest and most reliable, but at the end of the season I have a few white sugar beets left and some daikon radishes so I have pulled the lot and pickled them. The sugar beets have been good to have around, because of they are very sweet and don’t bleed all over everything. They can go into anything that you want to add a bit of crunch to including green salads, coleslaws and potato salads.

September 2012

A much better year all round, beetroot were planted in the front bed and thrived. I planted the three types again and the first ones were ready for Christmas. As planned we have not run out of beetroot this year so far. We are just eating through the different colours as they mature – red, white and orange.