For years I have been making chocolate bark for Christmas which just melted chocolate with chopped candy canes spread over the melted chocolate. When set it is broken up into shards. When I stumbled across this recipe which just adds a layer of biscuit and a layer of toffee to the chocolate I had to try it. This again is my version, made with Arnotts Salada bisuits with a sprinkle of pretzels, smarties and smashed candy cane on the swirled chocolate topping. It is better with  thin layer of chocolate and dark chocolate is a bit overpowering. I use a mixture of chopped white, milk and dark and swirl it around. It really is quite addictive and so needs a large tray cooked up. My second and third batches were in 40 x 30 cm trays and were still all eaten by guests on the night.

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  • 11 salada crackers
  • 250g butter
  • 1 cup brown sugar (200g)
  • 180g total milk, dark and white chocolate, chopped
  • pretzels, chopped candy canes, sprinkles, smarties,


  1. Preheat the oven to 180C
  2. Place the crackers on a large baking paper lined baking sheet, set aside. (30 x 40 cm)
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This is not the size of the tray I ended up using

  1. Place the butter and brown sugar into a saucepan and bring to the boil while stirring. Allow the mixture to simmer, stirring occasionaly for 3 minutes until thickened, then pour over the crackers and spread out evenly.
  2. Img 20231219 091117Place into the oven at 180°C for 15 minutes. It will bubble and turn to a butterscotch/toffee. When it has darkened a little it will be crispy.
  3. When done, remove the tray from the oven. Sprinkle the chopped chocolate on top of the hot caramel, wait a minute, then spread melted chocolate evenly with a pallet knife)
  4. Place the pretzels on the chocolate then add chopped candy canes and if there is room add some sprinkles, smarties and stars
  5. Img 20231222 101548Allow the Christmas crack to set in the fridge before breaking into smaller pieces.
  6. I store it in an airtight container in the fridge until Christmas.