I have been threatening to make eggnog every Christmas for at least 10 years but each year I have run out of energy and time by Christmas Eve and all I want to do is sleep. This year I got it made and we actually played board games and drank eggnog and laughed a lot on Christmas night. It was so worth making the effort and keeps well.

WHITE CHOCOLATE EGGNOG (dairy free – almost paleo)

This is better if started a few hours or a day before being needed. The flavours will develop and it thickens in the fridge.


  • 1 litre whole milk, (1 litre almond milk)
  • 300ml cream (600ml coconut cream)
  • 3 tbs sugar or honey or coconut sugar
  • 2 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 3 cloves
  • 1 tsp grated whole nutmeg and more to serve
  • pinch salt
  • 5 egg yolks
  • 1/2 cup white chocolate pieces (omit if truly dairy free)
  • 2 tsp vanilla essence
  • 2 to 3 tbs Dark rum or  brandy to taste
  • extra milk to serve (almond milk)
  • extra brandy or rum to serve
  • extra grated nutmeg or cinnamon to serve


  1. Put half the milk and all the cream into a saucepan, add the spices (nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves), salt and sugar, bring it to just below the boil and let it slow simmer for 5 minutes, turn off and leave to steep, preferably overnight.
  2. After steeping for a while bring the milk mix back up to simmer, add the white chocolate, stir until it has dissolved and turn off. Taste for sweetness and adjust as necessary.
  3. Whisk the egg yolks in a mixer on high, for a few minutes, until pale, creamy and doubled in volume. Turn the mixer to low speed and gradually add in the milk mix, through a strainer,  and continue mixing until smooth.
  4. Wash the saucepan, return the egg mix to the saucepan and at a low heat, stir constantly with a silicone spatula until the mix has thickened and has reached 80ºC.
  5. Immediately add the rest of the milk to stop the cooking, add the vanilla and a couple of tbs of rum or brandy, stir for a couple of minutes.
  6. Put the mix into a jug and refrigerate to chill until ready to use.


Put a portion of the mix into a glass, top up with milk, add more brandy or rum to taste (or homemade kumquat brandy), a few ice blocks and a grind of nutmeg. Enjoy!!