This is a minty refreshing salad, a good way to get greens without the traditional lettuce.

Fry the peas in anchovies and anchovy oil until bright gree

Fry the peas in anchovies and anchovy oil until bright green

Flash fry zucchini in garlic and cool quickly

Flash fry zucchini in garlic and cool quickly


  • 200g snow peas, topped and tailed and sliced in half length wise
  • 4 anchovy fillets and some oil
  • 1 red onion sliced finely
  • 1 small bag frozen peas
  • 1 zucchini or seeded cucumber, finely sliced diagonally with a potato peeler or mandolin
  • 1/2 cup malt vinegar
  • 1 bunch mint, chopped
  • (to taste – add lemon juice and garlic to dressing)
  • 2 tbs sugar
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • olive oil
  • 1 lettuce / bunch spinach / rocket and spinach mix etc


  1. Mix the dressing ingredients (vinegar, sugar, olive oil and mint) together and put into salad serving bowl. Heat the anchovies (squashing them a little) and oil in a pan and toss in the peas, stirring until they turn bright green but still crispy, remove from the pan and add to the dressing to allow the flavours to begin infiltrating the peas.
  2. Add the finely sliced red onion and flash fried zucchini or cucumber
  3. Briefly cook the frozen peas (in boiling water – for less than the directions specify, about 2 minutes), cool in iced water and drain. Add to salad bowl when cooled.
  4. Allow the vegetables to soak in the dressing for at least 1/2 hour, tossing to coat regularly.
  5. Just prior to serving stir through the lettuce and sprinkle crumbled feta over.
Pea salad

Minted pea salad