Made this the other night and it was so easy and tasty that it needs to be in the make it for weeknight visitors repertoire. There is no prepping of the meat and drumsticks are so cheap that you can make a huge dish of it and serve just with a salad and you have a perfect, no fuss, mid week meal. The apple cider vinegar and duck fat marinade keeps it so tender and juicy and the flavour is spot on.

Marinating for a couple of hours is good but if you can stretch it to 24 you will be suitable rewarded. I had people eating the sauce.



Serves 4 (3 drumsticks each)


  • 12 chicken drumsticks
  • duck / goose fat
  • 1 cup apple cider vinegar
  • 2 tsp fennel seeds
  • 2 large tsp crushed garlic (or a couple of chopped cloves of real garlic if you have the time)
  • juice and zest of one lime or lemon
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 1 small chilli (add more if not hot)
  • half cup of black (or assorted) olives
  • 2 tbs capers (or nasturtium capers)

Add for serving

  • small handful of fresh oregano (for serving)
  • snipped olive herb (hard to get herb that I grow – entirely optional)


  1. Mix the apple cider vinegar, fennel seeds, chilli, garlic and bay leaves in a large bowl or zip lock bag. Add some salt and pepper for seasoning.
  2. Warm the duck fat and rub into the chicken then toss into the marinade mix and squelch around to get the flavours talking to each other.
  3. Add the olives, capers and bay leaves and squeeze out as much air as possible before sealing the bag.
  4. I lay it out in the baking dish I will be cooking it in and put it in the fridge – but however you choose to do it just leave it refrigerated until ready to start cooking. Squelch and turn it a few times.
  5. Wait for about an hour before serving, turn on the oven to 180°C, tip the contents of the bag into the tray and spread out evenly. Push the olives and capers below the juice level and cook until browned.
  6. No need to pre-heat the oven – the dish and the chicken are so cold, having come from the fridge, that they will warm up as the oven warms up.
  7. To serve throw on some chopped oregano and snipped olive herb and place the baking dish on the table.
  8. I served with my version of coleslaw – that included grated apple, sliced egg, tangelo juice and a bit of home-made mayonnaise.

Totally a great meal that meets all the requirements for a simple, no fuss, dinner.