These are all versions of hummus, or at least what I call hummus, which is anything which has tahini in it. I have been making hummus and other single ingredient salads or vegetable dishes such as mushroom pate or russian carrot salad, not as a dip but as a side to have with our salads and dinners. Each of these are good, choosing which one to make depends on the ingredients in the fridge or what I haven’t had for a while.


Just watched Masterchef – so had to make hummus for dinner again.  My recipe takes very little time,  is much easier,  always tastes good, makes heaps, and is much cheaper than the bought stuff.

2013 – Had a revelation when I made this today so I have changed the recipe accordingly – may be not for the purists but this is smooth and feels light to taste. I began with the thought that you can make a garlic sauce by just blending garlic and oil. Doing this before adding the chickpeas emulsifies the oil and really blends the garlic into the mix.


1 can of chickpeas
4 cloves garlic or 1 tbs minced garlic (helps with the blending with oil)
1/4 jar of tahini (approx 2 tbs)
1 lemon – juiced
3 tbs olive oil (more or less)
1 top ground cumin
Salt to taste


  1. Drain most of the liquid from chickpeas into a bowl and reserve to add to mixture if too thick, also reserve several whole chickpeas to use as a garnish later.
  2. Blend the garlic and add oil slowly as in mayonaisse, add tahini and blend unitl smooth. Add chickpeas and continue to blend adding lemon juice, cumin  and salt and blend until very smooth.
  3. Add more of the reserved liquid if necessary. Taste and check for salt,  cumin and lemon levels.


Spread the mixture onto a plate, sprinkle with paprika, break up the reserved chick peas and place on top, and drizzle with olive oil.

Keeps well for a few days. Serve with lamb and tabbouleh as a wrap or meal or toasted turkish bread or flat bread as a dip.


I am packing to go on a trek to the top of Australia – Cape York. I’ve dehydrated loads of vegetables to take, necessary because although we are unlikely to have trouble finding food, it is the availability of fresh fruit and vegetables that is more the issue. For a bit of variety I made Hummus and dehydrated it. Seems to have turned out ok.

I made double quantities here as I can rehydrate as required it should give me 4 to 6 smallish dishes.


  • As above apart from the olive oil.


  1. In the blender mince the garlic, then add the lemon juice and tahini, lastly add the drained chick peas, pulse till smooth. Avoid adding extra liquid if possible. Taste and adjust the lemon juice and add salt.
  2. Spread the mix onto baking paper for oven drying, or the fruit leather tray in the dehydrator, no more than 5mm thick. Dry at about 60′ in the oven or on medium in the dehydrator.As it dries turn over parts of the slab and break it up to a crumb.
  3. When completely dry it can be put back into the processor if lumps remain.
  4. To rehydrate, add desired quantity to zip lock bag, add water squish around and leave to rest.
  5. Stir in a couple of tablespoons of olive oil before serving.


This is a seriously good way to get something tasty that can be used as a dip or used as a side with vegetables, kraut, pickles and meat. According to my reading it can also be frozen. It also is barely distinguishable from hummus made with chick peas.

Makes approximately 2 cups


  • 1 head cauliflower, broken and torn into florets
  • 2 tbs olive oil
  • 2 tbs coconut oil
  • 2 tsp ground cumin
  • 1 tsp sea salt
  • freshly ground black pepper
  • 1/4 cup tahini
  • 3 cloves garlic (at least), to be roasted with cauliflower or use fresh for more kick.
  • juice of 1 lemon
  • 1/2 tsp paprika
  • extra olive oil to serve


  1. Preheat oven to 200°C.
  2. Toss cauliflower, olive and coconut oils, cumin, salt and pepper together in a large bowl and massage together to coat the cauliflower.
  3. Spread out the cauliflower and garlic cloves (if roasting) evenly on a large tray and bake, stirring occasionally until the cauliflower has just started to brown, about 20 minutes, (gives it a slightly nutty flavour) then add a cup of water and cover and continue to cook/steam for another 30 minutes until the cauliflower is moist and tender.
  4. Blend the roasted cauliflower and juices in a food processor until smooth then add tahini, garlic (squeeze roasted garlic from cloves), and lemon juice. Continue to blend until a smooth paste forms (add additional olive oil if desired).
  5. Taste and adjust lemon and seasonings.
  6. To serve as a dip spread on a flat plate, leave a few grooves and drizzle with olive oil then sprinkle paprika on top. Serve warm or cold with assorted vegetables.

Eat as a side with roast lamb or chicken and anything else – add a few pickled onions and kraut to accompany.


Raw carrot hummus - very good as a side dish with pork.

Raw carrot hummus – very good as a side dish with pork.

This is a great hummus – not really hummus taste but the tahini, lime juice, olive oil and salt make it reminiscent of a standard hummus. Using the ras-el-hanut instead of a combination of spices makes it a lot easier than a lot of other recipes.


  • 8 carrots chopped into chunks
  • 1 clove garlic crushed and peeled
  • ¼ cup of sesame seeds
  • 2 tsp ras-el-hanut
  • juice of 2 limes
  • 3 tbs tahini
  • salt to taste
  • 2 tbs coconut oil
  • 2 tbs olive oil


  1. Blend all the ingredients except the oils, salt and 1 of the limes.
  2. Slowly add the oils until it has the desired consistency.
  3. Adjust the taste with additional lime juice and salt.


This is much easier than roasting cauliflowers, but it doesn’t have that nutty flavour from the roasting. It is still really nice.


  • 5 carrots washed, ends trimmed  and roughly chopped
  • 1 flower segment from the cauliflower broken up into small bits (florets)
  • 2 tbs coconut oil – also for the cauliflower
  • 2 tsp cumin to rub into cauliflower
  • 3 cloves garlic, chopped roughly
  • ¼ cup of sesame seeds
  • 3 tbs tahini
  • juice of 2 limes or lemons (whatever is growing)
  • 2 tsp ras-el-hanut (or more cumin if not available)
  • 2 or more tbs olive oil
  • salt


  1. Rub the coconut oil and cumin into the cauliflower, cook in a bowl in the microwave for about 5 minutes until tender, remove to cool.
  2. Add the chopped garlic and the chopped carrots to a bowl and cook in the microwave for about 7 minutes then remove to cool.
  3. Put the ras-el-hanout, tahini, sesame seeds, 1 tsp of salt, juice of 1 lime/lemon and 2 tbs olive oil into the food processor and whiz until combined well.
  4. Add the carrots garlic and cauliflower and add another 2 tbs olive oil slowly while continuing to process until smooth.
  5. Taste and add extra salt, lemon and olive oil if necessary.