Birthday cake

We came up with this great idea for a celebration cake – a birthday cake that looks great, isn’t too rich and actually gets eaten, and the leftovers can be frozen.

We bought two pre-made Sara Lee Chocolate Bavarians, one cookies and cream and the other a chocolate and cream. Next time I would consider cheese cakes or perhaps one of each – as long as they are the same size, imagination is a good thing.

Easy Celebration Cake – Assembly Required


cake slice


  • two pre-made Sara Lee Chocolate Bavarians
  • small container of thickened cream, whipped until fairly stiff
  • icing made from icing sugar and cream cheese (optional) or just use more whipped cream


  1. Leave the cakes in the freezer and prepare all of the ingredients, leaving assembly of the cake until an hour before it is needed.
  2. Carefully remove from the foil from each cake, put a layer of cream that is thick enough to fill the gap in the crust level on the top of one cake then invert the other. Because the cakes are still frozen this cream sets quite hard and the cakes don’t slide off each other.
  3. Put the cake on a wire rack and either ice or just put on a serving plate and cover with more cream down past the cream line.
  4. Put in the fridge for the rest of the hour to defrost.
  5. For more decadence add a pile of fruit to the cream version or cover with chocolate dots or maltesers and freckles to delight a bunch of children.

I guarantee this cake will be eaten.