
24 muffins from mix

This recipe was written on my fridge whiteboard for at least 12 months. It was great whenever I felt like something a bit different for breakfast. At some stage I copied it onto a piece of paper. This morning I spent ages looking for the piece of paper so it has now made it to the blog. I even took photos.

Forget about looking through recipes for muffins to match the ingredients that you have in the cupboard. These take little time to make, are always lovely and can taste different every time they are made, depending on the wet ingredients and the fruit / nut additions. As long as the ratio is maintained almost anything goes.

These are not huge, mainly because this is the size I think that we should eat and the best bit is the crunchy top so there are more tops if you have smaller muffins.

Easy muffin mixture

Easy muffin mixture – makes muffins in 30 minutes

Makes about 24 quite large muffins.  Cooking time 10 mins at 210°C and then 20 mins at 180°C so get the oven on, prepare the wet and dry ingredients and spray the trays with oil before adding the muffin papers. Wait to combine the ingredients until the oven reaches temperature.


  • 3 cups plain flour
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 3 tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp carb soda
  • 1/2 tsp each of cinnamon /nutmeg / salt
  • total of approx 2 cups of things to add – sunflower seeds, chopped nuts, sultanas, dates, grated raw apple, grated carrot, poppy seeds, lemon zest, orange zest (add fruit juice to the liquid mix), cheese, spring onions (omit the sugar add some salt) – whatever
  • 2 eggs
  • 450ml of a combination of yoghurt, kefir, whey, melted butter, light oil, milk, buttermilk, juice to your taste or what is available (I usually use yoghurt, rice bran oil and milk)


  1. Mix together the dry ingredients and the fruit stirring so the flour coats the fruit pieces and break up clumps.
  2. Mix together the eggs and liquid mix.
  3. When the oven has reached temperature stir the wet and dry ingredients together – quickly, about 8 stirs, do not over mix.
  4. Fill the patty cases in the prepared trays and put in the oven for 20 minutes.
  5. When done leave in the pans for about 10 minutes then turn out to cool fully – they fall apart if eaten too soon.