I was looking for something to take to a tiara and top hat party for the Royal Wedding. It was simply an excuse to get together and have fun. While looking for something to substitute for cucumber sandwiches that wouldn’t go stale in our dry climate I found the beginnings of this recipe that would represent the American side of the celebration.


  • 1/4 Cup tasteless oil – eg rice bran
  • 2 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/2 cup icing sugar
  • 1 Bag Pretzels (200g)
  • Extra cinnamon sugar for sprinkling  2 tsp cinnamon and 1/2 cup icing sugar
  • And even more icing sugar to sprinkle through a tea strainer after removing from the oven
  • 4 oz white chocolate, melted, for when all is cool


  1. Mix the oil and half cinnamon and sugar together and toss pretzels in it. (don’t do all the sugar, cinnamon and oil in one go – you will end up with a clump)
  2. Add the rest of the sugar and cinnamon and stir through
  3. Place on baking paper and cook at 140 about 20 minutes turning regularly. (higher temp and 1 burnt them, under grill and I burnt them – we are really just drying and the sugar burns quickly)
  4. Remove from oven, toss and sprinkle with more cinnamon sugar and leave to cool
  5. Put white chocolate in a zip lock bag, melt in the microwave, squishing it a couple of times but not letting it get too hot. Snip the tip off the bag and drizzle over the cooled pretzels.
  6. Let air dry again and serve!

Freezes OK