Buttered Banana and date loaf

Banana and date loaf with loads of butter

When bananas start to go brown I peel them, put them into a zip lock bag, squash them up, write a label, and put in the freezer, next to the frozen egg whites.

This is a great way to use up those frozen bananas.

It is also a good recipe to make with a young child. Just turn the mixer on slow and measure out the ingredients and add them as you go. It is very forgiving to a child’s measurements.

This makes quite a large loaf. It can be split into 2 smaller cake pans or made to half measure.

Banana and date loaf slices

Banana and date loaf slices



• 4 large overripe bananas, mashed (I always have a bag of mashed, overripe bananas in the freezer)
• 2/3 cup of mild olive oil
• 4 tbsp honey
• 4 eggs
• 4 tsp vanilla extract
• 2 tsp ground cinnamon
• 2 cups almond meal
• 2 cups self-raising flour
• 1 tsp baking powder
• 1 cup dried dates, roughly chopped


1. Preheat oven to 160°C (fan-forced).
2. Grease and line a 30 x 11 cm loaf pan with baking paper
3. Turn the mixer to low speed and one at a time add the oil, honey, eggs, vanilla, cinnamon, baking powder and almond meal. Whisk until well combined.
4. Slow down the mixer and add in the chopped dates and flour. Mix until just combined.
5. Add the mix to the loaf pan, smoothing the top.
6. Bake for 60 minutes, or until cooked when tested with a skewer.
7. Stand for 5 minutes before transferring to a wire rack to cool.

This freezes well

Banana and date loaf

Banana and date loaf