Two ways to make a crocheted ruffled or spiral scarf

I was wandering around Spotlight when I noticed that the wool section had a lot of specials. It has been years since I have knitted anything and longer since I have crocheted but I was inspired so I bought wool that looked interesting and then had to find something to do with it. A Google search for the brand or type of wool didn’t help but I did find a picture of an interesting looking scarf that was called a “spiral scarf” or a “ruffled scarf”. I then went hunting for some patterns and found two that looked promising. Not having the wool or needles that were specified could stop me because I never follow patterns anyway, that’s far too predictable and boring. If I don’t like something I just undo it and try something else.

So armed with a ball of wool, the only large crochet hook I have and two patterns I made a chain that was long enough and went from there. The result is the coloured spiral scarf below.

Being happy with that I went back to Spotlight and bought two shades of cream wool in different textures and a bigger crochet hook and created the second scarf. This was inspired by a lacy cowl type scarf I saw on someone – the wool I bought ended up being far too thick to get the effect I was looking to achieve but what I ended up with has its own uniqueness.

Funny thing about Spotlight is that the customers are very like minded. There was a very chatty group in the wool department on both occasions that I was there. I had a couple of people ask me how many balls of wool or what size needles they would need – my answer was that I buy more than I think I need and use it till it is gone or the item is big enough, which ever comes first, and that I only have one crochet hook so that I am not a good person to ask. I now have four crochet hooks because on my most recent trip I bought a pack of three.

Ruffled Scarf:

The Patons scarf is what I am calling a ruffled scarf. The first real row is double crochet or treble (depending on the wool thickness and the hook size, that is whatever looks good) with two stitches into each chain of the foundation row. This establishes the gather and each succeeding row is just one treble into the one on the previous row. This can be dressed up by using different stitches for each row.

Spiral Scarf:

This one increases each row gradually making a spiral. Into the base chain row do *a 2 trebles then 2 trebles into the next chain* repeated across the row. The next row is trebles until you reach the double into on chain and do two trebles into that one. That is you increase on top of the last time you increased. This forms a spiral rather than a ruffle. See the image – it increases in the same place each row.

My Multicoloured spiral scarf

I tried the ruffled scarf and didn’t really like it so undid it. This scarf is made with 1 1/2 balls Moda Vera Noemi pink shades and a number 7 crochet hook (being the only crochet hook I had).
I made it with the whole scarf growing off the first chain row. It didn’t feel the base row substantial enough so I added a ruffled edge to the chain side. This ended up being too much scarf so i undid it.

I ended up doing two rows of double crochet on the chain side and folding it and crocheting the edges together to make a tube. This forms a solid centre line on the scarf that isn’t too bulky.