• 30 ml Sloe Gin
  • 30 ml Sherry (or Brandy or Rum) 
  • 30 ml sweetened condensed milk
  • 150 ml milk
  • 15 ml Grenadine


  1. Combine all the ingredients into your cocktail shaker
  2. Shake with ice
  3. Strain into a chilled old fashioned or rocks glass
  4. Garnish with a dusting of cinnamon



This recipe makes 2 litres, 8 serves – make at the beginning of the Christmas week. It’s quite easy to make up another batch when it runs out.


  • 1 litre milk
  • 240 ml of sweetened condensed milk
  • 240 ml sloe gin
  • 240 ml Sherry (or Gin or Rum or combination)
  • 80 ml Grenadine
  • 2 tsp cinnamon
  • 2 tsp freshly ground nutmeg
  • 1/4 tsp ground cloves


Mix all together and store in a 2 litre milk container.

Shake well.

Chill a coupe or rocks glass with ice. Pour the “milk” over the ice. Stir well and sprinkle with cinnamon and ground nutmeg.