For when you are over eating eggs for breakfast and know that there is minimal nutrition in commercial cereals yet still want a refreshing Summer breakfast then Chia seeds are perfect.

Chia seeds are high in protein and calcium,  have a good supply of antioxidants and loads of Omega-3.

I find that 4 tbs lasts 2 of us for 3 breakfasts but I add some frills and then serve with berries and toasted nuts and seeds to give it some texture and crunch.

Start with small servings –  it doesn’t agree with all people.

One of the ways to eat chia for breakfast

One of the ways to eat chia for breakfast


The basics

  • 1 cup milk (any combo as long as it totals 1 cup – coconut cream, coconut water, kefir, nut milk, etc. If you are doing additives then you need more. )
  • 4 tbs chia seeds

Put the milk into the container that you are going to store the mix in overnight, use a fork to stir in chia seeds. Be careful or they will clump. They will begin to swell quickly so be prepared to stir a few times as they tend to clump at the bottom.  They will need more liquid if you are doing the frills.

The frills

I add a combination of these things to the master batch so mine is a bit like a bircher muesli. It is different every time.

  • Grated apple
  • Squeeze of lemon juice
  • Grated carrot
  • Dash of vanilla extract
  • Sweetener – Honey, maple syrup, stevia (only if  necessary
  • Tsp (or more) cinnamon
  • Cocoa nibs
  • Shredded coconut
  • Seeds – pumpkin, sunflower, flax, sesame
  • Dried fruit – goji berries, dates, sultanas

To serve

  • fresh fruit (eg. strawberries,  blueberries, kiwifruit mulberries)
  • nuts, seeds, coconut  (really good if you toast a batch in the oven and store them in an airtight jar – they will keep well. For additional crunch rub in a bit of coconut oil and maybe a squeeze of honey before toasting)
  • Additional coconut water,  coconut milk,  nut milk or kefir if necessary.