You can make the feta dip following the recipe below or simply use some of the marinated feta, its own oil and some extra yoghurt and ricotta.

Marinated Feta

Marinated Feta

Feta Dip


  • 250 g feta – Danish
  • 2 garlic cloves, crushed
  • 1/4 cup yoghurt
  • 1/4 cup cream cheese or low fat ricotta
  • 2 tbs lemon juice
  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • fresh thyme to sprinkle on top
  • salt and pepper to taste


  1. Put all ingredients into a food processor and blitz until smooth. Serve on wide bowl or flat plate and drizzle with good quality oil and sprinkle tiny sprigs of fried thyme.

Marinated Feta

This needs to be made at least a few days in advance and will keep for at least 4 weeks. Remove from the fridge for a while before serving to allow the oil to melt.


  • 1 tsp peppercorns
  • dried bay leaves, torn up
  • sprigs thyme
  • sprigs rosemary
  • 1 chilli, seeded (if too hot) and cut into pieces
  • sprigs oregano
  • 250 g feta cut into 2 cm cubes
  • juice of half lemon (1 tbs)
  • olive oil to cover


  1. If using fresh herbs wash and dry.
  2. Put them in the microwave on defrost setting for approximately 7 minutes until just crispy. They can also be used fresh but it seems to take longer for the flavours to infuse.
  3. Using a sterilised jar add the cheese and generous quantities of herbs and spices in layers then add the lemon juice and top up with the olive oil to cover the cheese.
  4. Refrigerate removing half and hour before serving.