Silver beet grows right through the season – we shared our continuous supply with the chooks. They loved it so we got the extra goodness in the eggs.

This is a very tasty way to cook your greens. We cut the stems from the silverbeet – it reduces the musty taste.

You can use beetroot tops (which taste better anyway) or spinach.


  • Bunch silverbeet, spinach, beetroot top, radish tops – anything that is growing in the garden
  • 1 large onion
  • walnuts – toasted
  • small block of Feta
  • clove garlic – chopped
  • olive oil
  • flavoured oil (such as truffle oil – or anything or nothing)
  • white balsamic vinegar / white wine vinegar mixed
  • salt & pepper to taste


  1. Chop silver beet (remove leaves from the stem if you have enough bulk) and other greens, finely slice onions.
  2. Toast walnuts and set aside.
  3. Cook garlic in oils, add vinegars, salt & pepper to taste in very large pot, toss silver-beet & onions through over heat.
  4. Plate up while warm with chopped feta and toasted walnuts.