Lemon, Lime, Tangelo or any combination of citrus Sorbet

Sorbets are so nice. I love lemons, limes, tangelos and mandarines, but they need to be home grown. Store bought fruit just doesn’t have the bite, you don’t get that tangy citrus taste that really gives you a hit and this fills the bill as a perfect finish to a meal, a bit sweet, tangy and tart.

The lemon sorbet tastes brilliant with the Limoncello and the tangelo goes really well with the tangelocello.


Extra good in a shot glass with limoncello poured over it

Extra good in a shot glass with limoncello poured over it


This makes 2 litres – I put it all my ice creams into 2 litre Greek Yoghurt buckets. Depending on the tartness of the lemons the sugar/water to lemon juice ratio can be adjusted. I use as little water as possible to get the sugar dissolved then adjust the quantity of juice.

The taste of the lemons change depending on the time in the season, how long they have been on the trees or in the fruit bowl and what proportion of the two varieties of lemon I grow I am using. Sometimes I add lime juice for increased flavour if it is needed.

Make sure the taste is quite strong before freezing.

Get the juice and half the er very cold as this will reduce the time in the churn.

  • 2 cups sugar
  • 3 cups of lemon juice / lime juice or a combination
  • 4 cups of water (get half of it very cold in the freezer while waiting for the syrup to cook)
  • Zest from 4 pieces of fruit (wash it fairly well first)


  1. Put the lemon juice and 3 cups of water in the freezer to start chilling.
  2. Heat the sugar and 1 cup of the water and the zest, stirring until the sugar is completely dissolved. Put into a bowl or jug (getting it out of the saucepan helps reduce the heat) and add the lemon juice to the syrup and enough of the extra water to get the taste right.
  3. Return to the freezer until ice crystals begin to form then transfer to the ice cream maker and churn until done.
  4. I need to transfer my sorbet from the freezer to the fridge half an hour before I want to use it so it is possible to scoop it out. This time will differ according to how cold the freezer gets.


This makes 2 litres of sorbet. Tangelos and mandarins are not as bitter as lemons or limes so straight juice is used.


  • 7 cups of tangelo or mandarin juice
  • 1 1/2 cups of sugar
  • zest from 2 tangelos or mandarins (wash well first)


  1. Dissolve the sugar in 1 cup of the juice with the zest.
  2. Add the syrup to the rest of the juice and chill.
  3. When really cold churn in the ice cream machine.
  4. See notes for lemon/lime sorbet above.