Marinated olives

Filling the jar in layers – the jar is sealed and rotated each day to infuse the flavours

I still don’t have olive trees that do anything other than grow and get thrips, however I do like a good olive and the best are always the marinated ones from the deli. My sister-in-law once gave me a jar of olives that she had marinated herself so after finding that it was possible to take cheaper bottled kalamata (or a mix of green and black) olives and marinating them I was hooked. This is my attempt.

Don’t do too many at one time because they only keep for about three weeks.

Marinated Chilli  Olives

  • 1 large jar Kalamata olives, drained (keep theempty jar to rebottle in later)
  • sprig rosemary
  • sprig thyme
  • 2 tbs fresh oregano or 1 tbs dried
  • 3 bay leaves
  • 3 cloves garlic finely sliced
  • 2 tbs peppercorns
  • 1 tsp chilli flakes or 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
  • good olive oil (3:1) & red wine vinegar or lemon juice
Marinated olives from the top

View from the top


Place all the ingredients in container that has a well fitting lid and add oil/vinegar mix to half way up. Turn regularly for the first day or so then rebottle into the original bottles. Keeps for about 3 weeks.

 Citrus marinated olives

  • 1 large jar Kalamata olives, drained (keep the empty jar to rebottle in later)
  • sprig rosemary
  • the zest of one orange (removed with a vegetable peeler, no pith)
  • 3 cloves garlic finely sliced
  • ground black pepper
  • good olive oil (3:1) & red wine vinegar or lemon juice


  1. Cut the orange rind into thin strips.
  2. Place the orange rind strips, olive oil, garlic and rosemary in a medium saucepan.
  3. Heat over low heat, stirring occasionally, until the olive oil is warm, add the oilves and continue to heat for a few minutes. Set aside and allow to cool to room temperature.
  4. Transfer the olives back to the jar and leave to marinate, turning regularly, prfereably for a week before eating.
  5. Bring to room temperature to serve.

You can get larger bottles – whatever is relatively good value